Potential Questions To Ask The Interviewer

Why is this position open?  Why did the last person leave? What key objectives would you like accomplished within the first six months? One year? What are some of the long term goals for this position? What will be the biggest challenges or problems that one will face...

Compentency – Based Interview Questions

The competency-based interview is being used today by most organizations. They are looking for evidence of a particular skill or behavior demonstrated in your past positions.  When asked a question, be prepared to answer with a situation that illustrates the skill or...

Interview to get the Job

Research the Organization Prior to the Interview. You can never prepare too much for your interview.  Always research the organization through their website or company brochures to learn as much as possible about their services or products, mission statement, culture...

Resume Basics

Tailor the resume to the job you are applying for. Make sure your resume illustrates the experience and skills needed for that particular position. Contact information at the top of the resume is very important. Who you are and how to reach you is extremely important....

10 Common Interview Questions

Tell me about yourself. Focus on your most recent professional positions and accomplishments that relate to the job you are interviewing for, your career goals and your desire to be part of this organization. You do not need to go through every position listed on your...