• Research the Organization Prior to the Interview.
    You can never prepare too much for your interview.  Always research the organization through their website or company brochures to learn as much as possible about their services or products, mission statement, culture and history.  Make sure you have a clear understanding of the position responsibilities you are interviewing for.
  • Be On Time.
    Always arrive 15 minutes early.
  • Dress and Act the Part.
    A business suit is almost always appropriate for interviews.  A firm handshake, direct eye contact, pacing your answers (not talking too fast) and overall body language that indicates a sincere interest in what is being said by the interviewer is imperative.
  • Bring Resume and Portfolio Samples.
    In a professional folder, bring extra copies of your resume and any work samples that demonstrate your abilities. Don’t forget to bring names of references.
  • Be a Good Listener.
    It is important to listen to the questions asked and answer appropriately.  You will also learn valuable information about the company that will assist you in asking pertinent questions.
  • Be Enthusiastic.
    Hiring managers are impressed with individuals that display enthusiasm for the position.  They want to hire someone who is energetic, has a positive attitude and truly wants the position.
  • Prepare for Tough Interview Questions
    Review the PRS interview questions and prepare answers prior to the interview.  You need to be able to share business experiences that will demonstrate your abilities and personal attributes in regards to handling certain situations in the workplace.
  • Ask Good Questions
    Review the  PRS potential questions to ask the employer.  Your questions will showcase your research and interest in the position.
  • Send a Thank You Note
    Send a hand written thank you or an email the day following the interview.